Here are 4 simple steps to boost productivity and save time in your day.

We’ve all thought it….if they would just leave me alone, I could get something done. It seems like staff always need something, or want to complain about something, or have an idea they have to share right now. It can suck the life out of you. Especially at nonprofits. Employees in nonprofit organizations have many competing priorities, and work hard at delivering the mission. Who has the luxury of extra time?

Imagine being able to drastically cut down the unexpected interruptions from employees.

Even the best and brightest need you. They need some direction. They need feedback. They need coaching. Successful employee coaching is essential to support learning. The coach isn’t providing answers but is asking great questions, guiding and providing feedback so the employee can reach a solution. And it’s a great way to manage the time you spend with staff in a productive way (psssst – it works with volunteers too).

My DIAL coaching method walks you through this process in a simple way you can activate today:

D – Discover what the issue is from their perspective. What are they trying to accomplish? What have they already tried? Who has been involved? This is when you align around shared goals and understand how to work together on a specific skill or project.

I – Identify possible solutions. Ask intentional questions to help them determine priorities, what resources might be needed, outline pros and cons, what research may need to be done and more. The objective is to identify a few actionable solutions.

A – Act! Time to stop talking and get to work. Help them choose what looks like the best option and get them moving on it. Schedule check-ins so you can support and monitor their progress along the way (and manage when you spend time with them). Be sure to celebrate even the smallest of wins and encourage their effort.

L – Learn from the process. Have the employee share what worked well and what they would do differently next time. How might their work apply to others situations?

And guess what…when employees see they have a partner to support their learning, you will build trust and confidence. Which leads to empowered staff who feel valued. And they even might stop poking their head in unnecessarily.

It’s rewarding to help others shine! So get out on the field, coach, and start moving that DIAL.

Want to learn more about managing staff? Check out “the Impact Triangle” on Amazon.
