(This post was first published on the CSAE blog)

It may come as a surprise but, as the executive, you are responsible for setting the tone of how your board operates. Right from the start. If you want highly performing board members that work in partnership with you and stay focused on the right things, then guess what? You need to set up the structure and systems for their success and then manage their work. Sound exhausting or overwhelming?

Let’s simplify it for you.

This conundrum became very clear to me as I was serving on my local employers’ association board. We were all there for the right reasons — we passionately believed in the mission. But we also each had different talents, experience, interests, and perspectives. We rookies were enthusiastic but unsure how to engage effectively. The CEO was astute and committed enough to talk with each of us individually to determine how we could best leverage our skills in support of the association’s goals. That was a smart first step that saved her a boatload of aggravation and time, so we weren’t wandering aimlessly.

Here are 3 steps to support and engage new board members early so they stick around:

1. Assign a Board Mentor or Buddy

I’ve seen this work over and over again!

New board members don’t always like to ask their question in front of a group, or they may not even think of questions until after a meeting and it feels very encouraging to have a seasoned board member on hand. Keep it simple: ask the mentor to sit with them at the first couple meetings or events and get them introduced to others. Perhaps they can have coffee with them sometime during their first few months on the board to see what questions they have, or tell them about an upcoming initiative and provide historical context or speak to the culture of the organization they may not be aware of.

Be sure to have someone on the Nominating or Board Development committee track these matches so no one drops the ball. That would NOT be motivating for a new board member! Bottom line. We all need support networks and being matched up with someone for the first year leads to stronger engagement.

2. Engage New Members in a Project Right Away

This may seem like common sense, but very often we hold the board orientation and then relax and move on to business as usual. In the meantime, your new board members are wondering what’s next. Talk to them about what committee they can serve on most effectively and get them introduced to the chair so they can be brought up to speed.

Think about your board members who are transitioning off the board and what tasks need new leadership or support. How can the new folks step in?

Have you been putting something off because there isn’t enough capacity to manage it?

How could a new member jump-start that project?

Everyone has a role to play and expertise to add, so the sooner you engage them in work that clearly connects back to your goals, the more meaningful their experience will be. Doing so leads to higher board retention.

3. Mid-Year Check In

Consider hosting a casual gathering of your new board members — perhaps over dinner — to gather their feedback on their first six months of service. This work well when the executive and Board President host it together and identify a few questions to ask the group, such as:

“How are you enjoying your board experience so far?”

“What has been the biggest surprise?”

“What questions do you have?”

“How can we make your involvement even more meaningful?”

It may be energizing to see what these open-ended questions reveal! Then compare comments year over year to determine if there are trends to act on. Your new members will be grateful for the opportunity to share, and you’re showing them that you value their insight.

Long Term Success Starts With  Engaging New Board Members Well

A strong board achieves their goals faster. A weak board will cause you grief, waste resources, and tread water. The sooner you engage new members in meaningful ways, the stronger your board will be over time. Start by treating them as individuals and tapping into their unique talents.

Tell me, What will you do differently to achieve greater engagement?
