Yep, it’s true. Your human resources are the greatest source of abundance you have. And it may be time for a big shift in thinking. You may be too focused on other things in your nonprofit – you may feel you’re short on money or time or space or technology, for instance. But there may be a TON of passion and commitment right under your nose. How can you leverage it?
Here Are 3 Steps to Unleash Your Abundance So You Can Reach Your Goals Faster:
1. Take an inventory. It doesn’t have to be public. But identify those on your team – both volunteers and staff – who understand and embrace the idea of abundance over scarcity. You may have to make some assumptions. If it turns out you have a strong team of leaders who get it, then pull them together and outline how you will prioritize your initiatives, and continue to invest.
If your assessment reveals you are not all in alignment in terms of business philosophy, then it’s time to get real. Do you hear things like, “It’s not in the budget….”; “We can’t because…..”; “I wish I could, but there’s just not enough time in the day….?” This means there are some things to work on because the conversation is starting with a scarcity mindset.
2. Choose to surround yourself with the right people. Select volunteers and staff who are enthusiastically committed to an abundance mindset. You don’t have to be the big boss to start shifting the culture. What if at every meeting or in every internal communication you spoke about abundance? What if you personally led that conversation, and also behaved as though there is worthwhile investment to be made so you can create even more abundance? Surround yourself with folks who get it. The folks who have adopted a scarcity mindset may be inspired to start seeing things differently. If not, maybe they’ll move on and you can help them find a place where they will be happier.
Also, select a champion or two. If you watch Grey’s Anatomy, think of them as “your people.” They are the ones who will be there, no matter what, when you need them most; when you’re feeling discouraged, unsure and out of ideas. You are not in this alone. When the right people are in the right places with the right mindset, you can’t be stopped!
3. Focus on the big picture – often. Do it when you feel great, when you’re feeling discouraged and especially in the company of others. You’re smart. You and your “A” team (see what I did there – A team – abundance?!) can look at all the important things you do and prioritize them. You don’t have to do everything now, or raise all that money at once, or have the cutting edge technology right this minute. Have you set clear goals? When you know where you’re headed, it’s much easier to make decisions about how to allocate resources and when to invest in new ways.
Your work should be exhilarating because of the amazing social impact you’re making. Thinking small won’t cut it. I think you’ll find it worthwhile to focus on what you have available to you, what you can create, and what you know in order to advance your mission.
It’s all about people. They are the only thing that can really change culture. If you’ve read my book The Impact Triangle, you know I believe success starts with mindset……how we think affects what we say, how we behave and how others perceive us.
If you only see “cost” associated with building capacity and committing to success, you will never see the value you’re creating for your community. It’s time to get on the “A” train and speed toward your bold vision!
The bottom line question is this: Is the change you’re making in the world significant enough to look at things differently? If so, are you willing to do what it takes to be sure this change occurs? Are you really all in? There’s no right answer. If the thought of doing what it takes to be successful doesn’t excite you, or even makes you nauseous, then acknowledge it. Accept the fact there is something else really terrific you’re meant to do and move on.
But don’t say put and complain about what you don’t have, or don’t know, or wish you could do.
Good beginning of the year article. Can you define abundance per your article? This can help me create the staff landscape. Thanks in advance.
Yes! I will define abundance in two ways. First it’s a strength that is currently present in the organization. Something you can leverage – it may be staff, or space or money, etc. It doesn’t mean you necessarily have more of it than you need – an overabundance, if you will. So as leaders are tacking tough issues, they wound identify the talented and dedicated staff team as a strength, for instance, and start outlining how to best use staff time and talent to reach goals.
Abundance is also a mindset. The same organization could miss opportunities to leverage strengths if they are focusing on what they don’t have, versus what is present and available. That approach could also be contagious and affect morale and the ability to think big and innovate. I have learned that taking time to identify, appreciate and leverage strengths can rapidly change the trajectory of an organization.
Give me a jingle if I can help your team work through any issues.
Great article Cindi! “The folks who have adopted a scarcity mindset may be inspired to start seeing things differently” — Great point, especially if they are unaware of their limiting point of view.
Great point, Robert! Glad this resonated…..together I think we can all start chipping away and shine a light on what’s possible.