Can you tell me? I really like your cause, and I may decide to invest financially at some point. But for now, how can I engage with your nonprofit in a way that supports your goals and matters to me?
There are probably many ways to volunteer, right? 25% of Americans volunteer at nonprofit organizations, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Maybe you could start by telling me about the benefits of volunteering.
Let’s be sure everyone on your team – board members, staff, other volunteers – can answer this question – how can people get involved with your nonprofit? Be ready to engage your community in your important work!
Consider these 20 options, then choose 3 you can talk about right now to anyone. Ask me to:
1. Serve on a committee, task force or project team
2. Share your story with my circle of friends
3. Follow you on social media and share your posts
4. Assist in programs with participants
5. Speak on your behalf in the community
6. Attend important meetings with elected officials
7. Invest financially – monthly is a great way for me to give more
8. Host a party for potential donors
9. Give tours at your facility or off site at programs
10. Use my subject matter expertise to manage a project for you (e.g. marketing, legal, IT, etc.)
11. Write content for your newsletter
12. Create and coordinate your social media presence
13. Greet guests at your reception desk
14. Handle important administrative tasks for your team
15. Prepare food, serve meals, clean the kitchen
16. Collect in-kind gifts in my neighborhood
17. Ask my employer to consider volunteer projects in partnership with you
18. Help source employee positions when you have openings
19. Get trained to teach a class for you
20. Lobby or do other advocacy work for you
What can you add to this list?
We also know we need to understand what our audience cares about. Some ideas on this list might not work with your various audiences. But if you need to expand the number of people who are involved with your cause, think broadly until you get a good sense of what works best. You might even need to asses your mindset about what’s possible when it comes to volunteers.
There are so many people who would support your mission if you just ask. So include a call to action in all your communication – digital, print and in conversation. You never know where the next amazing volunteer could come from!
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