Do you find yourself experiencing “board envy” sometimes?  Is there a nonprofit in town that has a super high-performing board and everyone wants to serve on it?   Maybe it seems like they can attract money, people and attention like no other.

I have great news – you can achieve an A+ board too!  You just need the right mindset and tools.

In case you haven’t seen this checklist, and are feeling like you don’t know where to start, I wanted to send this Board Engagement Checklist  to you.  Achieving an A+ board starts with engaging your board effectively and this checklist shows you the 10 areas to review to see where you are now.  There’s even a short video with tips on how to use it most effectively.

Then you can establish a vision for what’s possible, identify hidden challenges and create an action plan to attract more mnoney, people and attention with your A+ board!

I was also interviewed for the Successful Nonprofits podcast where we talked about several items related to board engagement but especially what to do with the disengaged board member.   Take a listen when you have 20 minutes or so and see if there’s a nugget you can use in your quest for an A+ board.

I am committed to guiding and supporting you on your journey to change the world.  Reach out to me any time for a complimentary, laser-focused coaching call and let’s work on your A+ board together!

