I found this article on the Harvard Business Review blog fascinating!  It addresses the mysterious concept of work-life balance and the science behind it, thanks to Google. In my work with nonprofits, the challenge of balancing one’s passion for the mission and enjoying life beyond the organization is prevalent.

Check this out and decide if you’re a Segmentor or an Integrator.

(If you’ve worked with me you know I’m a pretty successful Segmentor, hence the title of this article).

And be sure to read to the bottom – I LOVE #4.

Google’s Scientific Approach to Work-Life Balance (and Much More)

by Laszlo Bock  |   2:00 PM March 27, 2014

More than 65 years ago in Massachusetts, doctors began a longitudinal study that would transform our understanding of heart disease. The Framingham Heart Study, which started with more than 5,000 people and continues to this day, has become a data source for not just heart disease, but also for insights about weight loss (adjusting your social network helps people lose weight), genetics (inheritance patterns), and even happiness (living within a mile of a happy friend has a 25% chance of making you happier).

Upon reading about the study, I wondered if the idea of such long-term research could be attempted in another field that touches all of us: work. After more than a decade in People Operations, I believe that the experience of work can be — should be — so much better. We all have our opinions and case studies, but there is precious little scientific certainty around how to build great work environments, cultivate high performing teams, maximize productivity, or enhance happiness.  More…
