No one seems to be on board; they just don’t get it, and there is no way you can make things happen alone.  It will be impossible to hit that fundraising goal – who set it anyway?  Staff never listen and are doing their own thing instead. Well, when you think that way, you are right, you can’t accomplish great things.

Now most of us know this –we know our mindset will affect our approach and results.  But yet, we still get caught up in limiting beliefs.

Sometimes we get stuck and aren’t sure how to start making a shift.

But what if we didn’t?  What if we just took the first step?  What if we maintained a big-picture perspective, chose to believe the goal IS possible, and started to line up others who could support a new perspective?

It’s the season for strategic planning and year end fundraising.  When either of those topics gets raised, there are sighs, eyes roll and groaning abounds.  Aren’t you tired of getting that reaction?

What if this happened instead:

* Volunteers rally around a new goal and blow past it!

* Staff are fully engaged and motivated

* People in the community are asking to get involved – they want to be part of this winning team

* Funders want to partner in bigger ways

Smart leaders don’t allow themselves to become victims; they make their own success and it starts with the right mindset.

Let’s focus on two things geared toward change.

1. Do you have a culture challenge?  I’m asking you to do a quick assessment by answering a few key questions – jot down the answers.

* What are the core values of your business?  They may be stated or implied.  Make a list (do things like integrity, service, and fun come to mind?) – think about how people are treated, how decisions get made, and what gets the highest priority.

* What gets rewarded?  Is it innovation?  Developing people?  Results?  And even more important – is that clear to everyone?

* What are the obstacles that get in the way of progress? (could be hierarchy, working in silos, communication, etc.).  When there is a bump in the road, does the work get derailed?  Or is there a serious effort to clear the way?  How a company deals with challenge can be telling.

Now review what you jotted down.   Surprised by anything?

Very rarely are things running absolutely perfectly for everyone in any business all the time.  It’s possible, but let’s assume there is something you have discovered that is bugging you.

2.  What are you going to do about it? You don’t get to complain about things (even if it’s only in your head, because that affects your mindset too) unless you intend to be part of the solution.  So a few more questions.

* What is one thing you are very clear you would like to see change?  Maybe it’s a system, or perhaps  what the team communicates about when planning.  But it’s there – name it.

* What do you think is a possible outcome, that is different and preferred, regarding this one thing?  Do you really believe it’s possible?  Can you truly attract more donors or retain more staff, for example?

* What are you willing to commit to doing about it?  This doesn’t have to be huge.  You can commit to talking to someone else about it and getting their perspective.  You can list benefits of a new approach before you take on revamping the direct mail process, or a major rebranding strategy.

The point here is to think about how you are thinking. Imagine what could happen if you change your mindset and really commit to getting different results!  Maybe you could raise more money, shift to a more appealing company culture, or strengthen relationships.

One thing I know for sure….when you focus on directing your thinking, amazing things can happen.  Chances are good you will be happier, and you deserve to be.   Don’t settle and stay stuck. Stop thinking that same old way.  What are you willing to do differently?

Identify what is stopping progress, and take just one step this week to shift your mindset.  I’d love to hear what you choose to do!


Quick tip – watch for information on my upcoming free webinar about Engaging Board Members.

